Saturday, November 27, 2021

Seeing Things

Inspriational song: Hallucinogenics (Matt Maeson)

Massage brain is a real thing. It gets way harder to push thoughts out into words, and at the same time, it's harder to filter what does escape through your mouth. For the life of me, I was sure that was the extent of it, though. By the time I made it home from my massage today, I wasn't sure of anything in life anymore.

I drove home up Main Street. Before I even hit downtown, things got weird. Traffic was backed up, and I just managed to squeak in across a crowded intersection before the light changed leaving my car butt sticking out just to the edge of cross traffic. While I sat there, waiting for the cars to advance, coming down the hill (the opposite direction), all by himself, taking up a whole lane in the road, was a 20-something on a skateboard. He was a thin guy with a Mohawk haircut, and he kept crouching down and then standing up and spreading his arms wide, three times over or more. I marveled at the strength of his quadriceps to be able to do that. 

If I thought that one guy was the extent of the weirdness for that drive, I was so wrong. At the top of the hill I found downtown packed with pedestrians. Maybe it was for Small Business Saturday. People were everywhere...including the trio on the sidewalk dressed as Santa's elves. I mean a dark green velvet skirt on one lady, yellow and white striped tights on a guy, pointy hats, the whole thing. Okay. I really saw that. I think I did, anyway. I slowly drove another block and... is that a big silver Christmas tree dancing by the historical church? Is it a person in a costume, or a robotic display? Or am I actually just hallucinating? I just wanted to get home. Traffic just would not let up, even after I cleared downtown. A few blocks south of my turn, I figured out why. One whole lane was blocked off with emergency vehicles. By the time I passed it, I couldn't tell what actually happened. There were people on the steps of a business, and I didn't see any crashed cars, but there had been a flatbed tow truck? I just drove past without trying to fix in my head whether there was a car on the tow truck or not. 

I'm amazed with how confusing the drive home was that I made it to the right house. If I hadn't had mush-brain, the things I saw probably would have seemed more normal. This is just my week for seeing weird things I can't unsee. I'll post the photos of the potato I rejected for yesterday's lunch, without comment. You get to decide what you see in it. 

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