Sunday, April 24, 2022

Another Time Perhaps

Inspirational song: Dog and Butterfly (Heart)

Anyone who has read this public journal more than a handful of times knows how hard I find it to wait for anything. I might pretend I'm patient, so I look good, but it's all a tissue of lies. I hate waiting. Still, I have not yet disturbed the places in my small park where pollinators are only now beginning to wake. I'd like to go see just how many bedding plants my new car will carry home, but again, it is not yet time.

I had half-planned at least to start preparing to garden today. I want to take all the pots full of spent soil that I've been using for the last few years, dump them into a big pile, and amend that soil with fresh homemade compost. Problem is, I need assistance with a lot of that. I had mentioned it to the guy who does most of the shovel work around here, but he poked holes in my schedule by reminding me he had time-sensitive work of his own, primarily grading end of semester papers. What I should have done is gone ahead and carried the barren pots to one central location near the compost heap, in anticipation of his teaching duties eventually ending so he is ready to work outside. What I did instead was watch a bunch of videos about other people's landscape projects, and I made myself both jealous and ambitious. I did get a few good ideas, but mostly I watched women with younger, stronger bodies than mine demonstrate enviable levels of energy and creativity. Still, I am inspired, and I hope I can put into action at least a few of the plans I made today.

I didn't get out to take photos today, so instead I show you the look as Alfred realizes I made myself a bedtime snack of toast and butter, and did not leave a single bite for him, even though he stared at me the whole time I ate. He's not angry. He is just very disappointed in me.

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