Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Inspirational song: Head Games (Foreigner)

By the time the neurologist swapped out syringes the first time, the botox started to work to relax the nerves in my head. It is a beautiful thing, how quickly it provides relief. This time around, one of the needle sticks above my left ear hit something, a nerve or contracted muscle, and made a super weird spasm happen. I couldn't decide in the moment whether it was an improvement or not, and I'm still not sure. Overall, the difference is like night and day. I talked to the doc about how bad it gets in those last two weeks before I'm allowed to have a new dose (insurance and/or dosing requirements say a minimum of 12 weeks between visits), and he told me to come in for an occipital block to get through the rough times. If I had known that was a thing, I would have gone in two weeks ago. I'm looking forward to trying the new method this time around. He says it works really well for other folks.

I brought the baby home with me after my botox. We stopped at Walmart on the way here, to buy the big girl car seat while they had the cool purple one in stock, although it is gonna stay in the box until I am given permission to use it. She weighs enough to use it as intended, but her parents want her to stay rear-facing a little longer for safety. We also bought a new alphabet toy while we were at the store. I looked and looked for low-tech magnetic letters to go on the fridge. Never found them. Instead, I picked up a baby tablet that speaks letters and numbers at her. Good enough for today, but I'm going to try other stores for magnetic letters.

I ran out of steam by the end of the day. The baby was a whole lot, and I still had some lingering pain and fatigue from the migraines that will fade over days. We went over for board games with the regular group, and Val and I wore out right around the same time. So glad this group is casual about who attends and for how long. 

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