Saturday, April 30, 2022

Work Smarter Not Harder

Inspirational song: Digging in the Dirt (Peter Gabriel)

This blog started nine years ago with a strong emphasis on gardening, and my journey towards self-discovery through it. I found strengths and weaknesses there. I expressed my creativity and frequently got in over my head. I stopped and started more times than I could count. But not once did I dislike it. I love gardening, even when it wears me out and makes me hurt. I miss it when I can't do it.

This spring is the first time in years that I have been cancer free. What an amazing difference it makes for how well I can work the yard. After the long day of potting herbs on Thursday, I still went out today and started weeding the Unless Garden that I had neglected for years while I was sick. I can't believe I'm planning this, but I fully intend to put in another few hours at it tomorrow. I'm actually enjoying it again. Pulling up grass and thistles, and I like it!

I told myself if I properly cleared a square foot of weeds from the corner bed today, it would be good and admirable. I kept going as long as I could sit with my legs tucked to the left as I always do. Then I lay down on one side and reached a little further over the periwinkle to keep digging out the invasive lemon and/or bee balm. (Don't worry, I just pushed it back to its designated area.) I managed to keep going twisted the other way. And then, I realized how much more I could do with one of the iron chairs from the porch. For the first time in ages, I got all the way up to the upper ring of stones, without agonizing back pain. Overall, I made a dent in just over a quarter of the bed, a far cry more than the square foot I promised myself. This corner bed has been a source of shame since 2018, when I stopped being able to take care of it. I have every intention of tidying it completely, and replacing some of my more regrettable plant choices with more sustainable picks. With a little effort, this can go from shame to pride.

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