Monday, April 17, 2023

How Does That Work

Inspirational song: Gimme Some Money (Spinal Tap)

One of the ways I convinced Mr S-P to go along with getting a plug-in hybrid car was to show him the tax incentives available to us. At the time of purchase, between the IRS and Colorado web pages, it said we would qualify for a grand total of $9087. Yesterday when he was filling out TurboTax (which I know has its own issues, but it is what is familiar to him so we keep using it), once everything was in, it said our rebate/credit/whatever was $1400, not $6587. Can someone smarter than me explain where the other 5 grand went? And as for Colorado, to get the $2500 there, we have to submit registration and a copy of our purchase contract. So for two days I have been sorting through every box or stack of papers I have. I have copies of every bill, bank statement, veterinary receipt, and medical report that has encountered my hands in the last 4-5 years, but I don't have the receipt from my most prized vehicle purchase ever? Geez, I still have repair receipts and tire change paperwork from my Ford Focus that we sold to get this PHEV. But no Hyundai bill of sale yet. Peachy. 

The silver lining was that in tearing my house apart, I actually cleaned up as I went along. I still have miles to go, but it doesn't look like kidville in here like it did over the weekend. I will have some latitude this week to get to things I really want to be doing, like fiddling with plants and prepping the front porch for plants and plants and plants and plants. For some reason, one of my goofier pottery pieces from New Mexico ended up on one of the counters, and I immediately jumped on it and said oh, I can put air plants in this! (I had asked for a suggestion of what to make in pottery class, and he sarcastically said "a turnip." So I made one. Photo below.) Then this afternoon, he presented me with a small concrete planter that he brought home after ditching the abandoned dead plant in it. I don't know what will go in it long term, but for now, I set in a string of pearls propagation I'm working on. 

I have lots of other important things I need to be doing besides encouraging photosynthesis. I need to do a ton of business research, and I have to do another round of cleaning next door. That will all come in time.

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