Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Making the Best of It

Inspirational song: Mein Herr (Cabaret)

I was still in my bathrobe, halfway through my first cup of coffee, enjoying Athena's morning cuddle time, when T walked in and handed me the keys to his house. We promised to do a video chat once he had a chance to decompress from the drive and love up on his girls a bit. Then a minute later I watched the U-Haul drive past my house, pulling the camper, and followed by T's mom driving A's car. They're really gone. Thus begins a whole new phase of our lives. Farewell, little brother. Safe travels.

I hid from my emotions and returned to my bedroom reorganization. I had left some piles of papers and boxes unsorted while I had too many other cleaning projects on my plate. Technically I have next door to worry about still, but that can wait until the weekend. Today's focus was swapping to fresh sheets, specifically the ones that sleep cooler, now that spring is here, and finding ways to re-store what used to be in a set of shelves that used to be in here. I set out my jewelry boxes that had been crammed in a bin in those shelves, and I'm still working out how to make them look nice. For years, I've been stumped on what to do with a large pewter platter that goes with a punch bowl set my parents handed down to me. Today I found something useful for it, after I agonized over cleaning up a water spill from the plants I keep on my childhood dresser. It's now a plant tray. It's a little overcrowded, but I sort of dig it like that. I still have a little finessing in a few spots, but progress is back on track and I'm happy with that.

By the time game night rolled around, I was emotionally exhausted. Between our best friend moving away and the roller-coaster ride that was the livestream kitten birth I watched while I cleaned my room, I was wrung out. I think everyone there was tired, so I wasn't the only one. More's the pity, because we were playing a complex game (Wingspan). We had to pause it after the second round, take pictures of our scorecards, and pack it up for next week. 

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