Sunday, April 16, 2023


Inspirational song: Electric Avenue (Eddy Grant)

At various points in my life, I could justifiably have been accused of being sedentary. These days, even with chronic illnesses that make me tire easily, plus a lack of interest in being in crowds, there is no way anyone could say I'm insufficiently active. Four days a week I engage in weight lifting and Greco-Roman wrestling. Don't tell me that's not what we do here. I've tried to hold that wild boar when he wants to twist and lunge at whatever he isn't allowed to have. I've picked up the girl from every awkward angle imaginable. They are a workout.

Today was even worse than usual. Mr S-P put off doing taxes until the very last minute, so he was as cuddly as an angry porcupine all day. I did everything I could to keep the kids occupied and away from him, but they can sense tension. They know and they become extra needy when adults are at their weakest. I tried taking Valerie outside while Dmitri was napping, and we did garden chores. We cleaned up leaves, pruned roses, and removed other dead flowers from last year. But grandma's endurance didn't last long, so we came back in, and she went right back to grandpa seeking attention. I did everything I could think of to distract her, but she didn't focus on anything more than a few minutes. When Dmitri was awake, he wanted to be held all the time (as usual), and he is dense as a bag of bricks. They went home almost four hours ago, and my upper arms are still sore. I hope he does indeed learn to walk soon, so we can just go places hand in hand, rather than babe in arms.

I have lots of physical work to do tomorrow. I hope one whole night of sleep is enough to recover and get at it.

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