Thursday, July 18, 2024

Best Boys

Inspirational song: Melt With You (Modern English)

In order to mark this day properly, my daughter and I needed to move up her first postpartum outing to the earliest safe moment she could go shopping. She needed supplies for our little man, who is now a big strapping lad, aged two whole years. We went to Party City in search of Mario goodies (found a little) and then King Soopers for a cake and a big honking Mario foil balloon. Val and Avery went with us, and for his first outing at three days old, he was outstanding. No fussing at all. Slept the whole time. Didn't even complain when we were in transit between the stores and the car, with hazy sunshine on him.

Dmitri's birthday was a small affair, with me bringing over beef stew, and us watching a movie of Dmitri's choice. He selected Howl's Moving Castle, an animated film which grandpa and I had never seen. He really liked his cake (see him sneaking bites of green icing), but that boy was freaked the heck out by us all singing to him. He cried like he was afraid we were in a cult that he wanted no part of. 

Val loved Party City. There were so many different themed doo-dads for her to marvel over. The photos below may look like she was having a blast with a pink satin cowboy hat, but for some reason she called it terrible. Maybe because it was too big? She was cute in it regardless.

If ever you wonder how I decide on inspirational songs, sometimes it is literally something I hear on the radio that makes me take a photo of the screen, to remember later. I don't usually share those photos, but this one was special, as I was waiting for my daughter to adjust the baby seat to newborn dimensions, and Avery and I snuggled up front with the a/c on us, while we sat in the driveway. Please don't judge me by the trash piled up in the console. It's not usually that bad.

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