Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Inspirational song: Stay Up Late (Talking Heads)

As so often happens, a certain grandpa packed way more into a day than very small children have stamina for. But they made it through regardless. What troopers.

We kicked off the morning making berry muffins for breakfast. Valerie helped me make a box mix, and we added blackberries to the blueberries that came in the mix. The kids didn't eat as much as I hoped, but the boy cats were enthusiastic about helping them finish.

Once showered and dressed, we went down to the hospital to meet new brother Avery. Val couldn't wait to hold him and give him kisses. Their mom and daddy were very glad to have them visit. For the record, all of us were pretty stoked to be in the same room together.

The initial photos of fresh, puffy, baby face fooled me. I thought he was a carbon copy of Dmitri. Once I had him in my arms, I saw lots of differences. And I will need to study him a little more, but my early impression is that he is named correctly. I saw a lot of Reynolds in the boy. 

Ever since last year, we have been trying to get those kids to see one of the trolls in the mountains. We failed to make it to Isaac Heartstone near Breckenridge last fall, but today we made it all the way down to Victor to see Rita Rockpusher. She's somewhat new. I think she debuted this year.

The drive was way, way, way too long. Both kids were so over it by the time we stopped for dinner in downtown Colorado Springs. We got home around 10:30, and Dmitri didn't wake up once, being carried inside, changed, and set in bed. Poor little dude. Convincing Val to power down and sleep is more of a challenge. Maybe if I remind her to dream of Avery and Rita, she'll want to sleep.

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