Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Usual Shenanigans

Inspirational song: Soak Up the Sun (Sheryl Crow)

Funny how a need for one item can turn a day completely around. After spending all day yesterday reorganizing and thinning my closet, I found myself in need of a specifically-shaped basket to fit into the last available space on the closet floor, so I could put away my sweatpants and shorts. They had been haphazardly piled in a container that no longer served my purposes, and I had a great desire to see the project finished and off my list. My daughter asked me what the plan was for today, while she's burning up leave in between an ownership change at her place of work. I had her for the bulk of the day. So as the prophecy foretold, we went out for shenanigans.

We started by going through the car wash. Valerie is very proud of herself for not being afraid of it anymore, so when given the choice, she whole-heartedly agreed. It cooled the car down by 19 degrees, and on a hot sunny day like today, that was most welcome. Then we went to Michael's and Marshall's, on the hunt for a basket, and whatever nonsense we couldn't walk away from. 

Michael's was kind of a bust, but we got a few little items there. Marshall's ended up being an epic tour, and by the time we had gone counter-clockwise all the way to the kid clothes section, we were absolutely drained. I started whining like the kids about wanting to be done can we go already I'm tired (etc). She kept looking at outfits, not noticing that I had burned completely through my physical battery. By the time I staggered out onto the sidewalk, my mouth was so dry and stuck together I couldn't speak. (This is 100% because of the last medication they added, that amplifies all the dryness from Sjogren's.) By the time I got across the sunny parking lot, I could barely get in the car. I had to sit there several minutes with the ac going, shade still in the window, eyes closed. Valerie asked why we weren't going. How to explain autoimmune-body energy collapse to a four-year-old? "Grandma got too tired and now she hurts," was the closest I got.

But on the bright side, I got my basket, plus a pretty new wok to use with those Pakistani recipes and spices, and it was a very short drive to Ziggis, and a 32-ounce Italian cream soda that perked me up by the time we got home.

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