Saturday, July 13, 2024


Inspirational song: Kashmir (Led Zeppelin)

We are right in the middle of the heat wave, and I'm ready to admit defeat. I can't do this. I'm so hot I couldn't even join the others to cool off at the rec center pool. I just had to sleep through mid-day. I don't like heat. I don't, I don't, I don't. It was all I could do to force myself outside to water pots this morning. 

When the others were done with swimming, I joined them at a Mexican restaurant close to here. I had already had lunch, so I snacked on chips and had a margarita while I chatted with the folks. The kids were on point this evening. Very focused and very funny. They ate well and were happy to be fully involved in the conversation. We can tell Dmitri is working on his clarity, and that he feels highly rewarded when we understand what he is telling us and respond appropriately. Val decided she really enjoyed peppering her food, and she wanted to drench everything with pepper, including the basket of chips near her. I didn't ask whether that improved them.

I think I've survived enough of the day to legitimately go slap on a cold-water soaked tank top and lie in front of a fan, just like I did when I was a teenager in blistering hot Oklahoma. It was the only way I could sleep then, and it will be my destiny the next couple of nights.

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