Sunday, July 14, 2024


Inspirational song: You're My Best Friend (Queen)

After this many years, anniversaries are pretty tame events. We marked the date by going to one of our favorite restaurants for brunch, where I got the same thing I always get (eggs Jennifer). He broke out of his rut of having the same thing, by ordering pain perdu and a bloody Mary instead of spice tea. Wild times with the Smith kids! 

Tonight starts a multi-night babysitting run. We picked the kids up slightly early and took them down to the Cabelas in a north Denver suburb. Grandpa can't find his old fishing stuff, and he has decided he wants to take up the habit again. We wanted the kids to see the fishtank there, which they loved, and they liked all the taxidermied animals too. (Obviously, they have zero idea what the process is.) Once we had a ton of stuff for the Mr, we checked out the kid section. There were some toys they were super interested in, and then they saw the ball caps. Little almost-two year old pointed and hollered "HAT!" Well naturally we had to get him one. He chose a soft blue "ladies fit" cap, while Val went for a red toddler size Bass Pro Shop trucker hat.

They have been wild maniacs since we got home, but I'm counting on that meaning they are well and truly worn out so they sleep, now that it is their bedtime. And honestly, I think it's my bedtime too. I'll just go lie down next to my bestest buddies and maybe we will tell each other stories until we fall asleep at this slumber party.

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