Wednesday, July 17, 2024

To Our Respective Corners

Inspirational song: Get Back (The Beatles)

As Val would say (has said), now she lives at home again. Spending the night at her grandparents' house disturbs her routines, and as much as she loves us, she loves familiarity just as much. But now her nuclear family is reunited and expanded, and she is bursting with joy. When Dmitri was born, she was two years old, and kinda got it, but kinda didn't. She loves her first brother, without any reservations. But the way she anticipated her second brother, and greeted his arrival, shows a maturity and depth of feeling that impresses us all. She's over the moon. I mean, the rest of her family is pretty chuffed about the new bean too. And me, when I found out he had my initials and a similar birthmark, I told my daughter, "this one's mine." He's my bonus round grandbaby, the one none of us expected and all of us adore.

It is an unqualified relief to have things get back to normal, I can't lie. We came home after delivering the kids (complete with bouquets of roses for their parents), and I crashed hard in my recliner. It was so nice not having to sleep while still listening to the room, in case a toddler woke up and went exploring. I tried to tidy up a bit, as did Mr S-P, but there was just so much disaster from three days of children and only so much time and energy before game night started. Thank goodness our friends are understanding and not germaphobes. 

It was a pretty intense game night, too. We were in serious combat with one of the scary boss bad guys, and he kept knocking our players out (to the point of making death saving throws). We aren't done with the battle, and we have to wait at least two weeks to find out who lives and dies after this. Heavy stuff for the first night back on normal footing.

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