Wednesday, July 3, 2024

For a Switch

Inspirational song: Play the Game (Queen)

For the first time in a bajillion weeks, our daughter had game night off. She's burning up accumulated leave and has most of the next week free for us to get in oodles of trouble (whenever I can convince her). She suggested that instead of board games at my house, folks go to her place and play Mario Kart. We enthusiastically agreed.

We started with a few rounds of Quiplash to get warmed up, and then switched to Mario. Naturally those children were engrossed in the game play while their hero was on screen. Val even got to run a few races, but she's still learning the whole game controller concept. I took a picture of the screen. You can probably guess which one was her player. I suggested that her mother turn on the game assists (the equivalent of bumpers at a bowling alley), but she declined. Woof. Throwin' her in the deep end, I see.

At the end of the night, when we were saying goodbye, the kids were getting their hugs. Grandpa set the boy on the trunk of his car, and within seconds the feral goblin was on the roof, enjoying being the center of attention. Val asked to get a turn too. They told her, just this once, while we are all standing around the car. I get the feeling this will not be the last time this happens.

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