Thursday, July 25, 2024

Warm Enough

Inspirational song: Saturday in the Park (Chicago)

Oh, no! I failed to take any photos today. I went to look in my gallery, to see what I should write about, and there was only a screenshot of a friend request spoofing a family member's account. (Screenshotted to alert the family.) So I did what any good daily blogger would do. I stole one. I scrolled through messages from my daughter, and picked a nice one of our new baby, snoozing in the shade at the park. My daughter surely expects this by now. Else why would she send me such cute kid pictures?

It's a good thing their park visit was in the morning. It was a scorcher today. We are in the worst few weeks of the year. It was supposed to top out at 100 today, but I think there was just enough haze left from wildfires in Alberta and Oregon to keep us a hair under that. Next week will be just as bad, possibly without the haze to mitigate. I keep telling myself that in a month I will be able to sense autumn's arrival, and the bad stuff will be mostly behind us for a year. Having lived so much of my life in southern states, with unbearable heat and humidity, I never imagined I'd go this long in a house with no air conditioning. But seriously, it's only bad in July and part of August. Everything else is manageable with the whole house fan and timely closing of windows in the morning. After 9 years here, it's kind of an endurance challenge. So far I'm proving to myself I'm tough.

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