Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Train Goes Boobooo

Inspirational song: We Don't Talk About Bruno (Encanto)

Not only are game nights the best night of the week, but game nights during maternity and paternity leave means more people are available to come over for rowdy time. I called dibs on the first shift of baby holding. He was sound asleep the entire time. His big brother and sister playing loudly with Lincoln logs from a metal tub, and a room full of adults chatting loudly, and he didn't stir at all. I handed him off to grandpa while I opened a bottle of wine and started arranging chairs at the game table, and I came back to find him with eyeballs open and a bottle of milk nearly finished off. I missed my opportunity.

Things got a little hectic from there, with middle child not knowing when to stop pushing and poking at big sister (should have been before she got pushed to the tile floor, but immediately after that would have done just as well.) It must be tough to adjust to going from baby to middle, right as you are hitting your stride as transitioning from toddler to kid, with a little experimentation with terrible twos. (For the record, I do not consider him terrible. It's just the common name for this age's challenges.) 

The kids hit their limit right about the time we were ready to start playing, so they headed home to have fun bedtime with their parents. We set about the business of building train routes and trying to block each other from accomplishing anything. Housemate had the audacity to be surprised watching Mr S-P and our college roommate trying to outfox each other in the meanest possible ways. I kept saying, we've been playing games since 1988, and they still go for the jugular like 20 year olds. And yet, for all that, who ended up winning? Yep. Me.

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