Monday, July 8, 2024


Inspirational song: Let My People Go-Go (The Rainmakers)

Four perfectly steamed artichokes were delivered to our house this evening (thanks, V!) I waited until the Mr got home from his Monday meeting and we had a couple of them as a late night snack. I made an incredibly simple lemon butter sauce to dip mine in (he did not wait for such frivolities). It was heavenly. But as I was sitting in my favorite chair while I ate, Alfred sat on the arm of the chair, his eyes glued to every single leaf that was torn off, dipped in butter, and put in my face hole. I assumed that he was plotting a butter mugging. Oh, how I was wrong. It was the artichoke itself. He was desperate to try some. Really? Cats eat artichokes? Once I got down to the choke, and was picking all the thistle bits out of it, he started lunging to my plate. I gave in and broke off a tiny piece of the heart and let him try it. And then I had to give him another. And before it was over, yet another. I couldn't believe it. He didn't care about butter once it was polluted with that icky lemon. Now I'm obligated to buy artichokes all the time, to make up for the thirteen years I didn't know any better and deprived my handsome boy of something that gives him this much joy.

My daughter needed to borrow my carpet shampooer this afternoon, since mine has a working hose attachment and hers is dysfunctional. I brought it over and hung out a little while with the children. They were quite relaxed, as if they sensed there was no obligation to dress up and leave the house with me, or for me to supervise them for any length of time. I was just there because I like them. Dmitri seemed more attuned to this, and I got way more cuddles and chatter. And as of today, he has learned to respond to being told I love you with some sort of "love too" answer. His language skills are zooming all of a sudden. This is what I've been waiting for. I've long been able to interpret his intention, but his words are getting so much easier to identify. And his sentence construction seems pretty good for an almost-two year old.

There were only a few pictures today. I did get a shot of the first echinacea I have ever grown. I can't wait for there to be more.

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