Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Inspirational song: Sin Wagon (The Chicks)

Many years ago, when I was describing something we were doing with the officers spouses club (before they combined officers and enlisted spouses at all the bases), my mother commented that I really was reliving her experience from back when she and my dad were married. I totally forget what the event was I described, but from then on, I paid attention to when it felt like I was going through very similar life events. Tonight, I'm seeing my daughter repeat some of my behaviors, and I know she has done it before. They went to sing karaoke at a brewery that hosts it regularly (and allows children to be there up to a certain time of night). She chose to sing Sin Wagon, which used to be one of my go-tos for karaoke in Grand Forks, ND. Last time they went, she sang another of my standbys, but I've since forgotten which one. I'm so proud. If I can get her into White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane, the transformation will be complete.

My friend announced Avery's arrival to Rotary last week, during the part where they ask for good or bad news to share. I was cool with her saying this, since it was unusual that I wasn't in attendance, and it was joyful news that makes people feel good to hear. So when I was back this week, I had a lot of people comment on it, and several flattered me by saying I don't look old enough to be a grandma. Aw, shucks, you guys. Yeah, sure, let's say I was a child bride.

After going to pick up the prep for next month's procedure ($60 after insurance and a coupon code!), I went and got the baby snuggles I missed out on yesterday when the restaurant did me dirty. They dressed him in the really cute croissant onesie we bought on the off-chance he was born on Bastille Day, July 14. Missed it by one day, else we could have named him Jean-Luc Napoleon Liberté Croissant Smith. Too bad. Not that I am complaining about his name. I'm rather taken with it. Taken with him too. And I'm a little surprised I didn't take off with him this afternoon. I didn't want to let him go, but I was tired and needed to be home. Luckily, there will be plenty of snuggles available tomorrow too.

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