Sunday, July 28, 2024

They Were Right

Inspirational song: The Rose (Bette Midler)

A month ago I admitted that I was wrong, my much-wanted Gertrude Jekyll climbing rose was not dead. I should restate the other side of that equation. The people who told me to be patient and see if it did break dormancy were correct. I repeat, to them, you were right. I've been watching a tiny bud develop for the last week, and today when I went out to water the pots, I saw it was starting to open. It is so beautiful. It's barely a foot off the ground, so I had to really lean over to sniff it, but that tiny bloom had the purest classic rose scent. (Contented sigh) It was worth the wait.

I skipped seeing the babies yesterday, to be sure that the tiny pain in my right tonsil didn't turn into an actual sore throat. Today I felt fine, and I'm thinking it might have just been dryness from always having fans blowing right at my face day and night. I went over this morning, and got to feed Avery just a little, which was enough to get him back to sleep. I watched the big kids be silly and smart, and it was as awesome as it sounds. Then we went grocery shopping, just my daughter, Dmitri and I. This was one of our best trips with him. Without the others, we could focus on him, and he was allowed a lot more freedom. He appreciated that, and did a lot to earn it.

The guys are back from the mountains. Beinn is completely sacked out like he had a great time on his adventure. Well, for that matter, the Mr has also gone to bed, equally tired. Saoirse is frantic to go out one last time before bed, and I will not let her. Just as the sun started going down, we had a visitor go from the chokecherry tree, along the fence, to the equipment shack, and up the neighbor's tree. I have to assume he is still there, and I am not letting this giant goofball go find out how well the program to vaccinate raccoons against rabies is progressing.

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