Monday, July 1, 2024

Flaming Bag of Dog Crap

Inspirational song: God Save the Queen (Sex Pistols)

Schoolhouse Rock told me we would have no more kings. Brent Kavanaugh testified before congress that no man, not even a president, is above the law. Turns out one was wrong, and one lied. Well, several lied. Six people, at least. Every time they swore under oath to uphold settled law or respect the original intent of the founders. Six radical, activist justices just out here rewriting everything willy-nilly to conform to Project 2025. Yay. 

I've had all day to ruminate on this, and I'm still more mad than I am eloquent. I'm disgusted and I'm in a fighting mood. You know I have to be really angry to bring stuff like this to my daily writing meditation. I hate dirtying my happy place with politics, but it has been a black cloud over me all day. I'm trying hard to push it away but the resentment is fighting back hard.

I tried to distract myself as much as possible. I spent a long time outside deadheading irises, peonies, and other flowers. I cut back hard a couple roses and the half-dead broom. It was a lot of work, but it just made the beds look respectable, nothing more. It only worked the aggression out of me while I was at it. The rest of the time I continued to stew. Hopefully by tomorrow I can focus on what this nightly column is supposed to be about, but I make no promises.

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