Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Inspirational song: Dinah Moe Humm (Frank Zappa)

The last time we played Wyrmspan was the first time any of us had ever played. We didn't finish the game, and it progressed agonizingly slowly, because we were all still learning. The second time we played was tonight, and we have all started figuring out how to build resource-generating engines to amass points and extra turns. Not saying we are actively trying to screw anyone over yet, but I'm not not saying it either. It has become distinctly more competitive, and thus faster and more fun. And we still didn't finish a whole game in three hours.

We have some overnight babysitting duty coming up soon, so I spent extra time making the house a little child-resistant. You know, putting away sharp implements like pointy scissors and cleaning the horseplay surfaces. It is supposed to be stupid hot this weekend, and I am just not ready in my 65-year old house without air conditioning. Our plan is to retrieve the last kiddie pool our daughter had, fix whatever hole the boy poked in the side, and then sit in cold water in the back yard as often as it takes to get through three days of 103 degrees. (High desert of California-dwelling Anne would say 103 isn't all that bad, but then she had air conditioning, and was more than half a mile farther from the sun at Fort Irwin.) Those kids are not going to make it without Popsicles and high volume fans.

I ought to have done more for whatever "national kitten day" it was, but I was busy and the cats were mostly hiding in dark cool spaces. We did have our part-time cat come up from the basement and bravely sit near the table during our game. She is like a tiny version of Alfred, but she hisses like a punctured tire if her doppelganger comes anywhere close to her. I wish she could have blended in better. You'd think after seven months she would have mellowed more.

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