Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Inspirational song: Celluloid Heroes (The Kinks)

This was an excellent day for the advancement of our grandchildren into big kids. Valerie is finally old enough to go to movies at the theater, so her parents took her to her first one. They went to see a Pixar film, Inside Out 2. They didn't tell her what was up until they were actually at the theater, and the look of joy and anticipation on that girl's face was intoxicating. (From the photos they sent, that is.) They said she did very well through the whole movie, and she drank more soda than she has in her entire life. That's my girl. I'm so happy we have reached this stage. I'm looking forward to grandpa and I getting a turn to take her to see stuff. I'm not sure what's next coming up, but I'm sure we can find something to enjoy.

While they were at the movies, we had grandparent time with Dmitri. It was his first solo trip to Costco, and that little man feasted. He particularly liked the little cups of beverages we kept handing him. Peach tea, mango nectar, flavored selzer... kid was in juice heaven. He had a great attitude all afternoon. And while his enunciation is still pretty mumbly, he is getting way easier to understand. His phrases and sentences are of good construction, they're just hard for him to clearly pronounce. He is still a couple weeks shy of two years old, so I'm going to call it all a win. He nodded off in the car on the way home, but once here, he woke right up again. He had a blast running around, and I gotta say I was glad it was just him, because I had really wanted to nap alongside him and didn't get to. It's easier just watching one kid snooping in all of your stuff, rather than splitting attention between two very smart and curious young people.

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