Thursday, October 18, 2018

Bad, Bad Girl

Inspirational song: Criminal (Fiona Apple)

There is a moment of detante, finally. Athena has been awful to everyone lately, sometimes even to me. That's weird, because most of her bad attitude stems from other living beings getting too close to me when she thinks she has an exclusive contract for all of my attention and cuddles. I lost count of how many times today I had to actively hold her back from launching herself claws-first into Rabbit. I'm a little tired of always scolding her, telling her not to be an a-hole. I'm trying new ways to deflect her focused aggression. Today both cats were on my bathroom counter. Rabbit was minding her own business, grooming herself. Athena was down by the sink when I walked in. She flashed her crazy eyes at Rabbit, and started to cross in front of me, with a mind to slash Rabbit's cute pink and white nose a little. I scooped her up and immediately hugged and petted her. It was totally not the reaction she expected, and I think in the confusion she forgot that she was about to mindlessly attack the oldest member of her pride. Tonight, while I was trying to come up with something (anything) to write about, she crouched on the bed, ears completely flattened, chin to the quilt, waiting for her chance to drop like death from above on Rabbit who was walking into the room. I put my hand on her neck and pretended I was massaging her shoulders. It seems to be tricking her into forgetting her bad intentions. I like this so much better than yelling and poking her until she runs off.

The next few nights might be lean for blog content. I'm still doing stuff, but I'm not very focused myself these days. Yesterday's party prep and cooking damaged me. I couldn't sleep at all last night. I felt like I'd been kicked in the kidneys, and it was worse when I lay down. I had three cats pushing me off the edge of the bed, so I was narrowly perched in about 19 inches of bed space, and these days I require a bit more than that for comfort. I moved slowly all day, entirely uninterested in any of my obligations (and none of them received any of my attention). Maybe once my EEG results come back, I'll have someone telling me how to keep my mind clear in the day and how to get restful and productive sleep. At least I hope he can tell me these things. Otherwise I'll spend a lot more time posting pictures and a lot less time adding text. This neural twitch nonsense has me feeling seriously bad.

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