Monday, October 22, 2018


Inspirational song: What a Piece of Work Is Man (Hair)

Whoops! I hate those moments when I pack up what I'm working on after midnight, and think, aaah, now I can go straight to bed, only to realize that I never blogged and made no plans about what to write. I am up against a hard deadline for this cosplay coat, and I found out over the weekend that I had sidelined several key pieces of it without noticing they were missing until it was truly inconvenient to back up and get them done.

I thought I would bang out the lining on Saturday and Sunday, and then sit and hand sew it in while I sat next door watching football. It was only as I was piecing it together that I found I never cut the side back or the sleeves (two-part sleeve pieces). My dining room table that had been doubling as a cutting table was covered in D&D stuff at the time, and I was uninspired to clean and then cut. I saved that for this morning. The lining is now fully assembled, but it is not yet attached to the main coat. Just in the nick of time, I remembered that I needed to put in the pockets before the lining, else I would be in serious trouble. Recall that this is a pattern I designed myself, so I didn't have ready-made pockets with instructions handy. I spent a solid hour watching videos on YouTube on how to make welt pockets with flaps, and then I had to hope that I absorbed enough information to do it myself from memory. I worked slowly and over the course of the next five hours (with a popcorn and Rachel break) I managed to put together what may actually be a proper set of pockets. For any regular wearers of men's clothing, this probably won't seem so wondrous, but for those who prefer women's clothing, know that I made HUGE pockets -- deep enough to keep a phone and wallet and keys and more, with a flap so no one can reach in and grab without permission. They are fantastic.

My shoulders are sore now, and my eyes are fatigued. The light in my spare room is woefully inadequate. The fabric is a dark royal blue, and I had to remove my glasses to see it clearly. This meant I had to lean in very closely to keep my stitching lines straight.

Tomorrow I'll attach the lining to the coat, and then do the things I dread even more than the pockets: the upper collar and the cuffs. The cuffs will merely be tedious. The upper collar shape is proving to be elusive. I just can't figure out the angles and the proportions. It has to be done by Wednesday, so I have no choice. I must keep going.

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