Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Inspirational song: Quartz (Marillion)

I cannot be counted on to work as expected on demand. I needed to demonstrate what's been bothering me while hooked up to a machine. Naturally, I did not deliver. It was going like crazy in the waiting room. Hook me up to a couple dozen electrodes, and it was 30 minutes of NOPE.

The upside: the tech was wonderful. She looked like one of my nieces and was equally smart and cool, which relaxed me right away. We talked about the mountains, where she moved after the floods a few years back. She said that she has a friend who lives very close to the last landmark before we go on our neighbor's property, where we park to climb to our cabin. The facility was really cool -- they do sleep studies there, so it was like a hotel room, with a full sized bed, comfy chair, and three-quarters bath.

The downside, while I was hooked up, I only had the slightest head twitch, which is why I went there. Before I went in, Mr S-P and I were saying even money is on a pinched nerve. But with no evidence that I can point to, will we be able to find it? It felt like it was muted for having my head supported on a pillow. It's bad now, sitting up in bed to write.

They said it will take at least a week to read the EEG. My follow up appointment will be two weeks after that. This will be a long month.

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