Monday, October 29, 2018

Cat Nap

Inspirational song: Cool for Cats (Squeeze)

For the last three days, I've been on a news breather. Obviously all day Saturday was taken up by Homecoming, as I documented thoroughly. Yesterday was food with the guys, with a couple of football games thrown in for good measure. Today I kept the TV off most of the day. I'm sort of enjoying this reset. I ought to keep it going for a while, paying attention to the little things inside my house, rather than the big ugly ones outside of it. It's especially soothing when I find that focusing on craft projects and household tasks, keeping my hands busy, also has the side benefit of keeping the muscle spasms in my neck to a minimum. Until I get my referral to Anschutz, and actually see the super-specialist, I need something to keep me calm and quiet. I have plenty to fill that need, if I just look to my immediate surroundings.

Today was one of those days when my social media feeds were filled with more pictures of cats than anything else. That was a welcome switch. Who doesn't enjoy a creatively posed or edited picture of felines? (If anyone says they don't, they're wrong.) I spend all of my home time cat-adjacent, usually next to a sleeping Rabbit. She's four inches away from me right now, which is more space than she usually allows. Anytime I wonder how people could possibly live without cats, days like today come along where I am reassured that so few do. Cats are everywhere. It makes me happy to see them all.

I am thankful when I receive images of my own cats, and occasionally I share them here. I have a few I've been saving, thinking good stories would go along with them. It's easier just to share them on this "national cat day," which I swear comes several times a year. (It's not just me, right? This goes around the internet every few months, right?) And just in time for this auspicious occasion, I was gifted with a video of the boy being fed one of his favorite treats: peanut butter. It's not like we ever say no when he asks. Every day is cat day here.

Post script: As I went through pictures to post tonight, I scrolled past one that reminded me of news I received last week. When we toured the local humane society, there was a five month old tabby boy who looked to be the sweetest little lover since my Alfred was a baby, and he seemed destined to be every bit as big as Alfred too. Last week, my friend who had been watching him through the shelter window with me showed me a photo of him on her cell phone. She adopted him. I almost cried, I was so happy that they found true love with each other.


(This is the baby my friend adopted.)

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