Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Inspirational song: Wonderful World (Sam Cooke)

Exactly as predicted last night, this entire day was devoted to assembling and finishing the cosplay coat. I took a short break to go to Rotary and buy cat food, and that was it. I have only a few hours left in which to work, and I'm really stressing over this now. I need to hem the bottom, tack down the facing, and apply buttons and buttonholes. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it really is right now. The lining is slippery, and the facings are unwieldy. Nothing wants to go where I want to put it. I'm frustrated and angry. It has been about six hours since I said out loud that I'm at the stage where everything F's up. Hours later, and dozens of F ups later, I am exhausted and uncomfortable and throwing my hands up until tomorrow. I've been reclining on my bed to do most of the hand work, and I regret it. I had to lean back against pillows because my back was tired, but leaning back has made my back hurt even more.

The collar and cuffs were every bit as awful as I thought they would be all along. I cut four different versions of the upper collar. None of them was correct. Not one. Not even the one that is now permanently attached to the coat. I've stopped caring. I used to think I was so good at geometry, like I had Euclid living in my brain. Apparently he moved out.

It's almost 01:30 as I write. I was still trying to pin the front facing to the slick lining until five minutes or so ago. I can't do it anymore. I have the feeling this coat is going to the comic con with some basting threads somewhere along the way. It will have to.

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