Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Memory Hole

Inspirational song: Great American Melting Pot (Schoolhouse Rock)

As I was walking back into the parking garage under the church where we hold Rotary, tugging on my cool suede gloves with fringe on the side, I had a marvelous epiphany about what tonight's subject would be. It was going to be neat, and I knew the song I would use. I told myself to plug it into the phone calendar so I didn't lose it. And then I promptly sat in my car, turned up some cool song I loved in high school that was on the radio, and forgot everything.

My memory has been my worst enemy lately. I can't remember basic obligations. I just logged in to pay for a doctor bill that I got in the mail yesterday that included the most recent trip to the neurologist for Botox a month ago.... and the one four months ago for the same. I have been forgetting to pay the old one for three months. Or worse, I keep thinking about it, and not doing it. My brain just pushes out anything it doesn't like, and it doesn't stick to bills. It doesn't like anything right now. I went two weeks barely taking my medications, because I forgot to fill my pill container, or looked at it, said, "I ought to..." and then walked away. Every day I'm doing things like this.

I don't know whether the new, super-powered clinic I'm supposed to go to can figure out what's messing with my higher brain functions. Yesterday my PCM and I went through a list of doctors at Anschutz and I chose one who specializes in drug-induced neurological side effects, perhaps in hopes that this is all it is. (PCM wanted to chose a doctor whose name was easier to spell on the referral. I stood firm.) The referral is just now in the approval process, so it will probably be ages before I get to see Dr Long-Name. How many important things will I be able to blow off indefinitely between now and then? The possibilities are endless.

So...what to use for illustration? A couple of lizards for my temporary retreat to lizard brain dominance? Sure. Sounds good.

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