Thursday, July 25, 2019


Inspirational song: The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (Genesis)

I got to go into see my oncologist this morning. They took a little blood, and then I had a once-over. I got the chance to tell them how overwhelming my fatigue was, how long it took me to eat again, how bad the taste in my mouth was, and so on. I believe I covered everything, and didn't leave anything out. It did me some good. She gave me some new coping tips, and better yet, she is lowering my dose of the harsher medication. I don't know how much, if at all, this cycle might improve, but I'm hopeful.

I had my usual reaction to having blood drawn. It doesn't take much to make me loopy, and the couple vials they withdrew were enough to do it. I was fine through brunch, but I started getting less coherent as the morning wore on. I was home all of about ten minutes before I crawled into bed, and stayed there until mid-afternoon. I let the world go on around me after that. I'm still having balance and low blood pressure issues, especially when I first stand up.

I got a call (that went to voice mail) before I made it to my car, leaving the oncologist's office. They went ahead and set me up with a follow-up visit next Thursday, so I don't go three and a half weeks feeling dreadful like I did this time. They'll check my blood levels, give me hydration if I need it, and since I'm having problems finding an oral anti-nausea med that works for me, they might be able to give me another injectable version that would last a few days. But apparently (according to the voice mail) the referral from my primary care doctor, way back around Valentine's day, was only good for five office visits. The business office of the cancer center wants me to get an updated referral before next Thursday. I get my infusion tomorrow and will get sick starting on Sunday night. The original referral came from the primary care doctor who retired at the end of April. I've played phone tag with the medical assistant for my new doctor today, and I'm getting very stressed out worrying that I won't be able to arrange an updated referral in time. There is no way (stress that: No Way) I will be able to take care of this next week. If they think I'm coming in for an appointment to get the new referral, they're fooling themselves. I so do not need this extra stress. They had better let me handle it by phone tomorrow.

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