Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Lull Before the Storm

Inspirational song: Bloodsport (Raleigh Ritchie)

The first drug they inject during chemo infusion is a syringe full of an anti-nausea med that lasts for about three days. Last time, I made the mistake of having a couple of sips of wine right at the end of that three days, while everyone was over for game night. It ended poorly. This time around, I'm doing things a bit differently. The infusion day was one day later in the week, so when everyone came over, I was still feeling mighty fine. I completely avoided alcohol, and I will continue to do so until well after this whole process is over and out of my system. I might -- MIGHT -- have a glass of wine on my birthday in October, and probably not a drop sooner. And I am avoiding the municipal fireworks locally, and not traveling to my old friend's annual bash in Aurora (SE Denver), much as I miss my friends. I still expect the feel-good meds to wear off tomorrow evening, but hopefully not in as violent a fashion as last cycle. I just figure discretion is the better part of valor here. I can have a good holiday close to home. I've done it before. My neighbors have put on a good aerial display in the past. I expect to be able to see some from the yard, beyond what we might have on hand.

Today was a good day. I felt fine, although not super hungry. I nibbled, and I rested. One of my coworkers from the brokerage came by to see me, and that was really nice. It encouraged me to tidy up a little, so the house was ready before game night. I miss getting to go up for the monthly meeting, so it was wonderful to catch up with my fellow agent. She even offered to drive me up to the August meeting, if I'm up for it, so I don't have to wear myself out driving to Fort Collins. I think I will enjoy seeing everyone, and call me weird, I really like the teaching part of our meetings. If I can possibly make it, I will go.

I still don't like wearing the Neulasta. I find it very uncomfortable, for a variety of reasons. I might have said yesterday that I still have red marks where the last one was on the side of my arm. I didn't know that until the nurse was applying the new one. It makes my shoulder ache, and I am very awkward with it. I never notice how narrow the hallways and doorways are in my 60 year old house until I absolutely cannot bump into them. And I have a habit of bouncing around them all the time. As hard as it was to remove the Neulasta when it was done tonight, I must have really whacked the bathroom door last time to knock it loose. I had to really work to get this one to unstick, and to get the tiny catheter out of my skin. It's not a normal feeling. Kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies.

My Man has been haunting the salvage yards again. He found a ton of tongue and groove siding that someone had used for an event booth, as fencing around a beer garden apparently. He came home with rows of it, and he's going to pry it loose from the rails and use it for rustic siding at the cabin. I can't imagine how long that's going to take, so it will probably be in the back yard a while, until the nails are all pounded loose out of it. Maybe by the time I'm healthy enough to climb the mountain again (September maybe?) it will be on its way up the hill. He also brought home the signs that were on the structure, a literal "Beer Garden" sign, as well as one that reads "Adventure Films Cocktail Bar." We're giving the Beer Garden one to neighbor T, and I want to find a fun place for the cocktail bar one. Maybe outside. Later. Once we can build the hot tub room addition. So, the year 2021?

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