Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Up and Down

Inspirational song: Fifty-Fifty (Frank Zappa)

In order to lead off with the victorious news of my chemo cycle thus far, I can announce I actually ate real food today! I ate a whole small salad from Mad Greens(except the weird rubbery mozzarella chunks that tasted like tofu and grossed me out), and even had the wherewithal to get a small scoop of ice cream after. I had a piece of chocolate and a Jolly Rancher when the gang came over for game night. And I had a few bites of leftover chicken as a protein boost before bed. After seven days of not getting much of anything (even water) down, this is a huge step towards normalcy. It may be a few days before I'm actually cooking for myself, but this helps me see the end.

That was about the only good part of the day. I forgot again to call the social worker back at the cancer center to verify that she sent a doctor's note to Cleaning for a Reason, or to ask her to do it if she didn't see that requirement when she filled out my application. They've already paired me with a service, who will come on Friday, and I need to make sure nothing goes wrong that could cancel it. I tried to move a few things around, so that when the cleaning lady comes, she's not stepping over the boxes I abandoned in the living room, or wondering what the hell to do with our giant stacks of D&D paraphernalia, but I didn't get very far. This last week left me too weak to do much moving. Just a walk from the bedroom to the kitchen leaves me breathless and dizzy.

And then there is the rolling crisis we have been dealing with for a week, that thankfully I was too sick to address. Once again, there is water damage in the condo in Boulder that we rent out. Like massive damage when the upstairs neighbor's water heater broke and poured water down for three days after our tenant moved out. We have been trying to get an insurance adjuster there for a week, and absolutely nothing is happening. I have never before been so disappointed in USAA. The upstairs neighbor who just bought her unit has the same insurance as us, and we are getting runaround like I have never seen before. Today Mr S-P and our daughter went to clean it today, and after a week of running dehumidifiers, when he popped up the warped floorboards, the padding and concrete was still soaked. The walls in the larger bedroom and the ceiling are ruined.

This condo is my only source of income now. Or it was, until the tenant I loved moved out. Now I have nothing. No ability to work in real estate while chemo sucks the life out of me, and no basic income covering my recurring bills. I had one month of padding to my name, and if USAA doesn't move quickly, I don't know where August bills are coming from. Dammit. I just did not need this. Younger daughter keeps saying do a bona fide GoFundMe, and it's getting harder to say no. Stay tuned to see whether she breaks down my resistance.

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