Thursday, July 11, 2019

Not Ensured

Inspirational song: Working in a Coal Mine (Devo)

"How long can this go on?"

Don't know what more I can add at this point. Holy moly, this sucks. The bad taste in my mouth isn't so bad anymore, but food is still iffy. I tried to make myself one of the good GF frozen pizzas I get from Costco, and it took every bit of energy I had just to sprinkle some Parmesan on top and throw it in the oven. I had to stagger back to my bed and lie there until the timer went off, hoping I wouldn't pass out and let it burn too badly. I managed to cook it correctly, and eat a few pieces of it (I normally eat half, when I'm healthy, but I wasn't so foolhardy today). How is it that getting one meal a day is both such a victory and such a crushing effort?

If I didn't have such a big thing happening on Friday, I would try to go in to the cancer center and ask them whether this is normal second-cycle behavior, maybe give them some blood for a CBC. I chatted with the social worker there today, when I called to make sure she had submitted the doctor's note to Cleaning for a Reason, and she asked whether I had something like Ensure to drink while I wasn't getting much nutrition. Make no mistake, I'm thoroughly repulsed by smoothies in general, so canned goo like Ensure is right out. But I ought to find a way to get a broader range of nutrients, I guess. She countered with the suggestion of bananas, so maybe I can make a stab at one of them, next time I can get someone to do a grocery run for me. But my fridge and pantry are overflowing. It's just a matter of finding something I can (A) make or have made when the Mr is actually home, and (B) stand to put in my mouth, and (C) digest, with or without cramps and heartburn.

As I finish up writing, it's about 12 hours until the cleaning lady they matched me with arrives. I'm both excited and nervous. I have a lot of deferred maintenance and I'm hoping I can direct her to the things that need doing without offending her with my stacks of debris covering all horizontal surfaces. I pulled out a handful of papers from my side table, filing and tossing and shredding as appropriate. But I just couldn't fix all the things I needed to with non-existent energy stores available. Maybe I can do one or two things before she comes in the morning. I think if nothing else, if I get a clean bathroom and bedroom out of this, I'll be in heaven. I am amazed at how fast Cleaning for a Reason responded and hooked me up.

(I think I'm almost out of stored pictures. I'm down to the one of my giant catnip patch. Should I dry it and save it for later?)

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