Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Inspirational song: All By Myself (Eric Carman)

There are two ways in which to view how this day went. One, I could be unhappy that I spent all but an hour of the entire day completely alone, when I really wasn't strong enough to do much to take care of myself. Two, I could recognize that I wasn't up to anything anyway, and this way I allowed myself to stay in bed one more day, getting more of the rest that I still require. I'll go with the latter. I wouldn't have been good company feeling like this, and I don't have to talk when I'm asleep.

My younger daughter did come over for a while this afternoon. She showed up with french fries, which I had begged her for last cycle. This time, my stomach is still tender, and the metallic taste is still in control of my mouth. I managed to eat fewer than ten of the McD's fries. She gets a gold star for the thought. I did better later in her visit when I got a small scoop of ice cream, and finished the whole thing.

She was here to help me with a few things that have needed doing here. The most important thing she did was help me cancel a recurring bill that I should have stopped months ago. It wasn't big, but now that I have absolute zero income (vacant rental property), I have to plug every hole in this leaky boat. I just feel relieved that it's over. She also helped me move a few things around that were occupying space where they shouldn't. And lastly, she took a big box to donation that had been sitting in my living room since March.

The Mr has been gone all day to his mountain claim. The roof of the cabin was starting to suffer for not having been completed by winter. At the last picture I had received, he had attached a soffit, run tar paper, and attached 7 of 9 metal roof panels. That was while it was full daylight. He worked well into the fading of the light. Unless he is pulling my leg, he is still up there. He says he is done, but I think he still has to walk down to the truck.

Fatigue has been for real today. I wasn't able to get a shower until close to 9 pm. It was one of the quickest showers ever, barely long enough to get all of my skin wet. I never even managed to wash my face. But I quickly became unable to stand any longer, and was very shaky when I got out. I staggered, still-damp, jammies in my hand, to the bed, swatting the air around Athena, while three times she got in my way and slowed me down. I want to brush the film off my teeth, maybe reducing the metallic taste combining with the unpleasant way I interpreted the french fries. Think happy thoughts for me that it happens soon.

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