Saturday, July 20, 2019

Drive Time

Inspirational song: Waiting for a Friend (The Rolling Stones)

Blood is thicker than water, apple doesn't fall far from the tree, like mother like daughter, yada, yada... Yeah, I don't have to hear the platitudes. We live it. Last night, my daughter changed the plan from leaving after work and driving all night to avoid the desert heat. She said she'd leave at the time she normally gets up and goes to work. So when I checked in with her just after lunch, and she said she ended up taking care of hours' worth of tasks before leaving, I couldn't find it in me to be surprised. Have I ever left on a big driving trip on time? Has her father? Nope and nope. When the Mr and neighbor T started texting me on the way down from the mountain property, T asked whether I had heard an update on the kid. When I told him she left hours late, his only response was something along the lines of "she is definitely related to her dad." So true.

So now she's so far behind, it's not even worth my time to stay up late watching for her. All I can do is make sure the front door is left unlocked, and go to sleep on the early side, so when she rolls into town early tomorrow morning, I can get up and greet her. All I ask is that she check in at certain waypoints, so I can track progress, even as I sleep. I'm a light sleeper, and will wake up to check, even if I try not to.

I'm very excited for this visit. She hasn't been able to come out for a long time, because of her work schedule, and it's been more than a year and a half since she was able to bring her dog. Sheba is a little old lady now, with a totally white muzzle. She and Elsa will have lots of old dog stuff to talk about. I hope she will let me spoil her a little bit. For that matter, I'd like to spoil my daughter, but I think her plan is to take care of me, not the other way around. It's going to be hard to let go and be the one who is spoiled.

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