Sunday, March 13, 2022

Commodities Market

Inspirational song: Flagpole Sitta (Harvey Danger)

The countdown timer is ticking. I'm two sedating pain meds to the good, and I'm just waiting for them to put me to sleep for the night. Don't worry, both are the smallest possible dose and they play nice together. I just had the Mr re-wrap my Ace bandages and adjust my pillow that I can't reach right now. I'm resting on an ice pack. If this doesn't make me good to go, what can?

I probably overdid what I should have with my arms in the last day or two. Here I thought I was sitting still, playing on my busted iPad more than usual, but apparently it wasn't still enough. My arms feel like they have a thousand razor blades stuck in each of them. I hope this is normal for the work I had done on them, and not a sign that I messed it all up. I have my first follow-up visit in 36 hours. I can make it that long.

The neighbors needed a break this evening, and invited us for table games. While we waited for Mr S-P to arrive with our dinner, T and I played Mastermind. I hadn't played it since the kids were little, and I've never played Wordle, so I felt like I went in pretty rusty. T won quickly. I did not. Afterwards, once we had eaten and A put aside her law school studies for the night, we all played a hand of the bean game. We like each other too much for it to be really cut throat, so it ended up just being trading on the commodities market. It was so much more fun that way.

Okay, I did what I promised myself. I blogged at light speed. I can swap the ice pack to the other arm, and watch YouTube test drives of the car I'm getting until I fall asleep. Love y'all. (That's the flexeril talking.)

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