Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Wait

Inspirational song: Anticipation (Carly Simon)

My timing is atrocious today. It is going to be nigh impossible to fall asleep tonight, but it didn't occur to me that I could take a sleep aid until just now, after 10 pm. I've missed my window of opportunity. No matter what I tried to take, whether it be a benadryl, a gummy, or anything else I might have lying around, I would be groggy and hung over in the morning. Might even sleep through my alarm. So everything is a no-go. I certainly wouldn't want a benadryl hangover when I'm signing papers and driving home my fancy new car.

We didn't get our out-the-door price until this afternoon. The Mr is pretty cranky about how much this thing costs. It's sucking up most of the profit from selling our house in New Mexico. So the deal we made is I'm only borrowing his portion from the sale. I will be paying him back. I have to beat the bushes for real estate clients for real now. I'm mostly healed from the last two surgeries, and there's no time like the present to get serious about refilling my coffers. Think happy career thoughts for me. I need it in a big way.

Another way my timing is off--I didn't even start making dinner for myself until about 9:15, and didn't start eating for at least half an hour. So I suppose in that time that I can't fall asleep, it will be better for me anyway. I need to sit up and digest my big salad. Poor Saoirse watched me eat the entire time, drooling on the footrest of my chair. All she got out of the exercise was to taste the remnants of thousand island dressing. You do you, dog.

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