Monday, March 7, 2022

The Night Before

Inspirational song: Little T&A (The Rolling Stones)

I should be on the operating table in exactly 12 hours from when I opened this app to write. I am so excited I can barely stand it. I will finally fill out shirts evenly, for the first time in three years. Although, "fill out" might be the wrong way to look at it. Left side is getting reduced (again) to match the much-reduced right side. It is amazing to me how different I felt having two whole pounds of weight removed from my chest back in August, and as soon as I healed up enough, I stopped wearing bras almost all together. My shoulder and neck pain nearly vanished overnight. I am guessing there is still roughly a pound that can come out of the left side to make a matched set that might never see the inside of a bra for the rest of my life. For sure not one with a wire, maybe never even a sports bra. We will see. I'm ready to go.

Okay, wait, not completely ready. I didn't get my house nearly as clean as I swore I would. I should apologize in advance to my dear friend from Rotary who is driving me home from the hospital. (The Mr has to teach classes tomorrow, and the kids have Valerie, so I count myself fortunate to have friends who can help.) If she comes inside with me, maybe she will be kind and not look around. I did what I could, but there was a toddler who needed babysitting and some cats who needed a lap to hold down. I did get the floors vacuumed and my sheets changed. These were the most important to me for when I get home.

I also needed that Valerie time before I have the operation. I won't be allowed to pick her up for at least three weeks, so I got some good cuddle time to tide me over. She had a few grumpy moments, which doesn't usually happen over here. But it was early in the morning, while mommy and daddy were off at a checkup for her sibling who she doesn't quite comprehend yet. Too bad she doesn't improve her mood after a cup of coffee like grandma and grandpa. She did stick one finger in my coffee to taste it, but she wasn't impressed. She did, however, perk up after some rice Chex and mixed berries. And playing with grandparents almost always makes her happy. Funny, that works both ways.

Okay, blog is done early. I'm going to go take a flexeril and go to bed now. They want me to show up at 6 am, in a neighboring town. I wish I could take something guaranteed to put me to sleep, but there aren't many things that can do that. Most of them will be injected in me in about 11 1/2 hours. Woohoo!

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