Thursday, March 10, 2022

Good Trendlines

Inspirational song: I Want Candy (Bow Wow Wow)

Sensation is starting to return. My arms sting the most, and I haven't opened up the bandages to check, but it feels like they used staples like they did last time, in the seam under the breast. It gets a little pokey. The elastic band of the surgical bra is digging into my ribs. And I'm continuing to be grossed out by the drain. All of this is survivable though. The part that really gets me is the itching. Is it because of opioids? I assume so. My face and scalp itch like crazy. I'd love to be able to scratch my arms, but I'm not dumb enough to try.

I'm still super happy with how my body and mind are handling this surgery. They gave me some supplements that I thought were BS, but maybe they were onto something. One is a liquid that is supposed to help the brain. I've been taking droppers-full of it since two weeks before surgery. It just tastes like sugar water. Is it doing anything for real? Hard to say. If it is just voodoo, well, maybe I'm open to that particular magic.

Half of the gang came over for game night. Not enough to do the D&D campaign, so we played a card game next door. Valerie had less to do than usual, and it was less fun when grandma wasn't picking her up a lot. She got bored. She ended up sitting on the table at Uncle T's house, creating chaos in the veggie tray.

I came home tired and craving sugar. I want so badly to go rifling through the candy drawer, but I went to bed instead. I've been so good about eating healthy all week, to keep my recovery on track. But man, a box of Milk Duds would be welcome right around now. Maybe some other day.

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