Sunday, May 1, 2022


Inspirational song: Feels Like the First Time (Foreigner)

I've had my car a full month now. I've driven a bit over 600 miles since I picked it up. I figured now was as good a time as any, while I was out, to fill the gas tank for the very first time. It was finally three-quarters of the way to empty. Once I parked to go into the same grocery store from which I bought gas, I pulled out the phone calculator, to see my miles per gallon equivalent. I got 82.1077 MPGe on that first tank, keeping it charged as often as possible, entirely from the solar panels on the house. You know what? I think I'll keep this car. Seems like a pretty good value to me.

Hidden among all the superfluous bells and whistles, like customizable-color ambient lighting, was something even I viewed as mostly a party trick. I know the Mr rolled his eyes at the idea of a function on the key fob to move the car forward or backward while you're standing outside of it. But darned if it wasn't absolutely necessary today, leaving the abovementioned grocery store. I believe the way I said it out loud was, "some jackass in a Rav4" parked so close to me that I couldn't open my door to get in. So I fumbled with the right sequence of buttons, and backed it up just enough to get in. I lifted my thumb off the button a second too early to fully open the door. I need to remember that you can't stop and start again when you're using this function. You get one shot at it, so don't panic and abort prematurely.

Not a lot else to wax poetic about. I'm relaxed after a massage, and I was just wise enough not to ruin it by working outside after. I'm proud of myself for eventually remembering the word "petrichor" before I caved in and googled it. So now, I will let myself drift off to sleep, muscles calm and window open, listening to and smelling the first rain in weeks.

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