Friday, January 13, 2023

Burst In

Inspirational song: Oh Yeah (Yello)

My favorite distractions arrived early today, thus shortening the amount of time I had available to clean house. I mean, I know it is a rather Syssiphean task to clean up, knowing they are just going to fling toys or worse around it again, but still I try. 

The boy has discovered the joy of shrieking like a baby bird, and he does it often and at length. If videos uploaded to this primitive site well, then I could offer you some examples of ear-splitting cuteness to startle the pets, companions, or coworkers nearby. He has also decided he enjoys eating babyfood and does so with gusto.  Simple joys.

Valerie has become so affectionate and cuddly, even if for only the quickest of toddler attention spans. She hops up into a lap, says sweet things, and then scoots off to get into new adventures, all in the span of about 20 seconds. She has heard and absorbed how often I tell her "you're awesome," and so she says it at me frequently. Unfortunately, she also doesn't quite get pronouns yet, so it might be that she just wants to hear me say it to her, rather than she is offering me the same compliment. I'm okay with this. It still means she is listening and taking in the information.

My daughter has started referring to her as the Kool-aid man, for all that she bursts in to rooms, looking for a good time. She apparently did this tonight while mommy was working, wanting to snuggle and watch Ratatouille. Having seen her bust through the door when I'm in the bathroom, I can just picture her standing in rubble, smiling as she says, "OH YEAH!"

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