Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Sunny Money

Inspirational song: Ballroom Blitz (Sweet)

"That's how they get you." 
              --Doug (Tom Hanks), Black Jeopardy

When last I was at the Flower Bin, doing ridiculous things, the cashier handed me some colored papers, and said, "Here's your sunny money." Then she printed up my receipt, and added, "and you have earned your loyalty credit." From that moment, I had 30 days to spend $34 in store credits. No pressure. Just planting in my head that I have to go back to where the fancy gardening stuff is right away to get cool things for free. That's how they get you.

I took my kids with me, and it's probably a good thing I did. My daughter talked me down from going overboard and buying a $30 lipstick plant and a $13 Hoya krimson princess on top of the other three tiny plants I picked out, plus some non-living supplies. I have wanted a burro's tail succulent, and at first could only find them in big baskets the same size as my string of pearls. Got help and found a tiny starter one for a sixth of the price. I've been collecting clearance succulent mixes, and I found a bowl I've had tucked away for years I want to put them in. The burro's tail is kind of the star of the show I have been waiting for. 

I also got another trailing plant I have been craving, a peperomia string of turtles. I love all these "string of" plants. I still want a string of hearts, but I never found one. That may have to wait until spring. At one point I held two Hoyas in my hands. I had krimson queen and krimson princess, the difference being where the variegation sits, on the leaf margins or down the center. Queen was less money than the princess, so that's what I chose. You know, two weeks ago, I wondered why people were so crazy about Hoyas. Like a light switch flipping on, now I get it. It happens that fast.

We played our D&D winter snowball fight tonight. It's a highlight of our year. As we are typically playing remotely now, Mr S-P set up the map on the floor with his phone pointed at it. At first, we needed Saoirse off the floor, so once again, the big spoiled girl curled up in my lap. As the fight got underway, she was lured off with a chewie and I got down on the floor to move the game pieces around the snowfield. Luckily my character was the second one eliminated, so I could focus on moving the pieces and assisting in the game play. I sat on the floor way too long. Now I'm sore and ready for bed. I bet that big dog would be willing to finish our snuggle right about now.


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