Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Inspirational song: Shiver My Timbers (Muppet Treasure Island)

Over the weekend, Mr S-P decided that since Valerie finally started grooving on Muppet Christmas Carol last month, and Christmas was over, he would move her along to Muppet Treasure Island. Now, it was supposed to be the movie he used to relax her into naptime, but he was just so jazzed to finally play it for her that he cranked the volume up super loud, and even without being in the room, I just know he was bouncing animatedly while singing along. I know him. We've met. It took Valerie a very long time to fall asleep that day.

Fast forward to the next day at home, when Valerie had the opportunity to watch what she wanted on her iPad, and what does she bring up? Same movie. My daughter sent a video to our family chat, and the Mr declared victory. My older daughter was easily persuaded to put on the soundtrack for herself to listen to while she worked at home. I've been wandering around for days now with the songs running through my head. I caved in and played the soundtrack on my phone, the first time in years I just let it run while I did other things. I was astounded how deeply that dug to draw out memories that were hardwired into my brain. Wow, did we listen to that a lot when the kids were little, and every note was familiar in so many ways. I listened to it all, even the instrumental parts, and it was difficult not to restart it as soon as it was over. Musical bliss.

When I woke this morning, I was all kinds of stiff and sore. I sat on the edge of the bed, trying to massage out the kinks in my legs, when I remembered that my older daughter had sent us a matching set of those percussive massage guns for Christmas. I never could figure out how to turn it on, and I let it sit off to the side for two weeks, until today I actually looked at the instructions. Yeah, that was on me. But I gave it a whirl, to see whether it could loosen up the knots in my calves, and from there, I just kept going. It even felt good on palms and soles. She wasn't kidding when she said those things were game changers. I'm feeling so much better about my decision to cancel the massage membership after a decade. I'll be okay after all.

Well, maybe I'll be okay. I had my first houseplant gardening injury today, other than the occasional splinter from cheap potting mix. I have been looking at the arrangement of plants every day, always trying to think how I can improve it. I was bothered by how un-level the pots behind the couch were. I swapped the pothos in a tall pot with the yucca in a medium one, left to right, on different height stands, to make it all seem proportional. I was leaning forward with the pothos in both hands, extended out from my body while I knelt on the couch. I lost my balance and fell face-first into the metal bar of the big new plant stand. I smashed my glasses into my face, and got smacked all the way from my forehead to teeth. I'm lucky that it didn't break my glasses. As of now, I don't think I'll have any more of a bruise than the one to my pride. Does this count as hazing? Am I pledged to the plant hobbyist fraternity now?

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