Monday, January 30, 2023


Inspirational song: Radar Rider (Riggs)

Mondays are going to be hard now, for the next several months. Monday babysitting had been covered by my daughter's tenant/housemate. Now they are working the same schedule as the kids, so I've taken over Mondays, giving me Friday through Monday. I'm averaging 26 hours a week of kid caregiving, and Mondays are almost completely solo. The Mr gets home early evening, after I'm worn to a nub. He's gone for the beginning of Fridays too. This is turning into a test of stamina.

The kids didn't do anything wrong today, per se. They just had kid energy on a day when I didn't. I held in as long as I could, but I was the happiest of all three of us to see grandpa walk in the door today. He was able to handle animal dinners and then hold the baby boy so I could finally get some sort of food in me. It was a long day to go on a single slice of ham and handful of blueberries, but that was all I could squeeze in before 5pm. 

Now I'm trying to stay awake and failing. It's not even quarter to eight as I write, and I am literally nodding off in my chair. I need to post this now, so when I inevitably do fall asleep here, I can just stay on through morning, and no one but Saoirse will care.

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