Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Spot

Inspirational song: Taking My Business Elsewhere (Richard Thompson)

The Smith women have a very special talent of taking a very simple errand and turning it into a multi-hour epic adventure. Case in point, today I needed to pick up antibiotics for Murray and buy a cute mirror from Target's dollar spot that I saw on the internet yesterday. I asked my daughter if she needed anything while I was out, and she ended up coming along, with Valerie too, and it took us well over three hours and four stops before we were back at her house to drop them off. 

From my current favorite chair, I've had the unpleasant habit of staring at the dumb "niche" in my living room wall. The story we were told was that the original owner of this house had some sort of mural that was painted directly on the wall, that she framed out at one point. When she left this house (in whatever fashion that turned out to be), someone cut out the mural and left this hole in the wall. The marks from where the frame was screwed in still exist there, and the back of the niche has a big, deep drywall seam running across it horizontally. I despise it. I wanted to fill it somehow, with tile or aged wood or something--anything but the gaping wound in the wall. We have slowly been adding objects to it that lessen its impact. It's sort of helping.

So today, after seeing someone doing a YouTube video on new decor items that hit Target this week, I went in search of a specific mirror. They were five bucks, for an eight inch round mirror with a blue fringe border. I got it to hang in the niche. It's just right to distract my eye from that drywall seam. It just came at the expense of all my energy for the week, walking around two large box stores, running by the vet, and feeding Valerie chicken nuggets. Decent tradeoff.

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