Friday, July 3, 2020


Inspirational song: Fire Water Burn (Bloodhound Gang)

Much as I would like to say I'm not disappointed because I didn't expect better, I am. I'm disappointed. I'm mad. I kinda want to burn it all down. What "it" is, I don't know. I feel like stomping off to my room, slamming the door, and coming up with a good "that will show them" plan.

I went to an endocrinologist this afternoon. I was anxious as hell about this one. The ENT had already blown me off about the calcified thyroid nodule that is the size and shape of a Cadbury mini egg (20x12x12mm). She said it didn't impress her and to check back in about two years. She said yeah, if I wanted, I could see an endo for the Hashimoto's that was revealed in the FNA cytology. I asked whether the endo could address the discomfort and choking problems I've had, and her answer was barely above "yeah, sure, whatever, bye." 

I dreaded the endocrinologist appointment, because my TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is usually slightly elevated, but still within the overly broad "normal" range. It has been close to the point where primary care docs get interested, but catching it just at the right value for that has been as elusive as capturing photographic evidence of Bigfoot. And recently, despite symptom evidence to the contrary, the TSH is actually down right now, to an unassuming 2.5. I knew walking in what I was going to hear from the doc. Normal labs. See you in a year.

I asked whether there were any dietary or supplemental changes I could make, or any authors she recommended to read. Nothing. Go to the thyroid association website. Well, yeah, I've been there. It's all "get labs done and your doc will take it from there." 

So I bought a book on my Kindle that I found on The Google last week. It's what I hoped the endo would give me. Dietary protocols to heal liver, adrenals, and gut, to manage symptoms better. It doesn't try to talk you out of synthetic hormone if you are prescribed it, but it does give assistance for those of us who haven't hit the medication point yet. Will it help? Dunno. Probably won't hurt though. And if I am really lucky, I will feel slightly less powerless.

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