Wednesday, February 24, 2021

And It's Gone

Inspirational song: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Elton John)

Cursed to the end. The condo buyers had their final walk through at 8 this morning. By 10 after, I was getting texts. The garage door was refusing to raise. I had to pull Mr S-P out of the hot tub and send him to Boulder to set the tension on the door opener to basically zero, so it would raise. While there, he got the final utility meter reading and picked up our lock box. I held my breath and waited for the emails to come through saying that the buyers had finished their closing. Mid-morning, the documents came through. It's done! The sale is final!

We waited a few more hours for the net profits to hit our bank account. When it did, I got a text from the Mr saying he could count on one finger how many times he had that much money in his checking account. He made a few jokes about running off to be wildly irresponsible with it, but then tonight over our game table, he handed me a piece of paper with the payoff amount for this house. He will make that wire transfer first thing in the morning, and to quote Garth Brooks, we shall be free! 

I still need to turn in the rest of my paperwork before I see my commission from it. I did as much as I could focus on today. My concentration is spotty thanks to this latest inflamed joint, but I'm pushing through it. I went for an MRI across town at 7 this evening, through the snowstorm that dropped on us like a hammer. Lying still on a hard table inside a tube, with my arms over my head, made me extra stiff and achy, and by the time I got home, I had no intention of cracking open the laptop to finish filing. Tomorrow is soon enough.

It wasn't until I was in the MRI, getting blasted by science (as a friend called it), that it really started to hit me that it is all done. What a relief!

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