Monday, February 15, 2021


Inspirational song: Memory (Cats)

Everybody on the news is talking about this "generational cold snap" and here all I can think about is exclaiming "snow in Southtown?!" as if it were scandalous. Okay, not really stuck on The Year Without a Santa Claus, but the video clips of snow in Texas do make me think that. They keep referencing the winter of 1989 as the last time it was this cold, this far south. I was living in Oklahoma at the time, in the house I grew up in, having come home from college to have my first daughter. I remember that cold snap. My temporary bedroom was in the original farm house section of our place, in the part built in 1908. (I wasn't using my upstairs childhood room, on account of being hugely pregnant and then having a newborn, and wanting to avoid stairs.) That house was not what one could call well-insulated. It was as drafty as a barn, and heated with gas floor furnaces. I tried to be brave in front of all my high school friends, having just gotten accustomed to Colorado winters, and they were not amused at me insisting single digit temperatures weren't so bad. Yes, I clearly remember that cold snap.

I have a few things I need to get around to when the temperatures pop above freezing again. We have a few repairs left at the condo to finish before closing. It's hard to patch a hole in drywall in an unheated garage when it is this cold. Also, if I don't get that dog a bath soon, I'm gonna have to stop snuggling with her. I guess dogs go through stinky teenage hormonal funk too. I've never raised a girl puppy through this age before.

The kids pulled out the electric blankets they had in storage, and let the baby experience one today. Word is she took to it like a champ. My older daughter has said for years that her dog Sheba knows how to punch the button to turn on her heated throw blanket. I bet it will be less than a week before the grandbaby does the same.

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