Friday, February 19, 2021

Nearly Out

Inspirational song: We Gotta Get Out of This Place (The Animals)

After decades of moving around every one to three years, I can say with absolute authority, the last week before you vacate a house for the last time is the worst. There is nothing like the feeling of seeing the finish line approaching, but being very aware of the hurdles yet to clear before you can cross it. I am starting to realize the same dread applies when it's trying to get loose from a property where you never lived, which has sat clean and empty for six months. I never imagined it would be so hard to escape, yet here I am.

We went to the condo for the penultimate cleaning and repair session. While I finished cleaning the windows and screens, and swept and steam mopped the floors, Mr S-P replaced weather stripping on the front door, put a filter cartridge in the bathroom vent, and patched the drywall in the garage that has been damaged since we bought the place ten years ago. There really isn't much left, but I am not going to declare us done until I cross-check the list of contracted repairs, and send the relevant receipts to the buyers. While I'm doing that, I need to go through my required paperwork, and make sure my file at the office is complete, save for the closing documents. (I've put that last one off for lack of mental spoons.)

The buyers are going by in the morning with a contractor who has raised their hopes about repairing the fireplace. I have my doubts he can work a miracle, but I'm keeping my negative energy away from their transaction. I just wonder what sort of concession they will expect from us on this. I've made an offer, which technically I didn't have to provide at all, and waiting to hear their response is just about killing me. I just want the next four days to go quickly, so I can get to the good part of turning over the key and watching my bank account recover a bit.

Sorry, the only pictures for today were documenting that we indeed replaced the vent cartridge, and where the backups were placed. My camera was busy being our radio for the duration of our work.

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