Friday, February 12, 2021


Inspirational song: Life in a Northern Town (The Dream Academy)

A Boulder journalist I follow posted a Colorado weather bingo card this morning. By the time I saw it over my second cup of coffee, we had already managed to tick off a few boxes, based on our conversation and who we are. We had already said, "we need the moisture," based on how little snow we have gotten so far this winter, we have often compared our temperature to another location, I frequently take photos of "dogs/tiny humans in snow," and as a general rule, my husband is "that one guy in shorts" no matter the weather. This evening we had a discussion about Kyle Clark's basement (the fire itself, not the firewood supply -- if you know, you know), and to finish off a bingo, I screenshotted the weather app just now. I love it when it gets cold like this, but I like it more when there is a ton of snow. For once, I'm jealous of predicted snow totals where my parents live in Oklahoma. We are supposed to get maybe four inches over days. They might get three times that.

My baby came by for a visit when her mommy got off of work. They wanted to meet our guest before she left this evening. Sometime in the last week, the baby has jumped miles forward in her communication skills. She is suddenly making more vowel and consonant sounds, and she's copying the things we are saying to her. Wednesday her daddy filmed her laughing in response to him, both of them making funny, sarcastic noises and faces. We have each replayed that video multiple times. It sounds like a movie villain laugh. Who doesn't love that?

Grumpus looks a lot less like a baby and a lot more like a kid now. She was a beautiful infant, but she is an absolutely riveting toddler. I'm utterly fascinated with her. Every interaction is a chance to teach her new things, and she is the smartest little sponge. She soaks up all the new information, and reveals aspects that we aren't even aware we are teaching. Man, this is fun! Lately, I get so wrapped up in taking videos of her that I forget to take still pictures to share of her. I have to go begging for them. Thankfully, she loves being in front of a camera lens.

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