Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Second Verse Same as the First

Inspirational song: Voodoo Chile (Jimi Hendrix)

Groundhog Day. Again. Yay. As if we haven't been living in Groundhog Day the movie since March.

You know, halfway through last year, I was feeling pretty smug. I was handling the isolation pretty well, compared to your average able-bodied American. I wasn't chafing from staying home nearly as much as humans who are used to being active. I figured it was a function of my acceptance of life with chronic illness. I even thought I was lucky.

There is only so much boredom a kid can handle, though. And I have technically had two years in a row of it, having stayed home through 2019 with cancer treatment. I'm pretty much done with this nonsense now. I miss everything, even things I didn't like all that much. I miss the good things like restaurants and movies. I miss in-person Rotary and political meetings. I miss crowd-watching from mall food courts, of all things. Oh, and sporting events. I should be at a basketball game this season! Shoot, I even miss hugging, and I am most definitely not a hugger. I've pressed my luck as much as I feel safe doing, but for every trip to the grocery store, I have two or three days of self-flagellation thinking I probably exposed myself to the virus in my carelessness (I get very unfocused when I'm shopping).

Maybe we have found a way to keep the next week or so from being too boring. The Mr suggested a Disney+ series that I had only vaguely been aware of. Turns out it was part of the Marvel Universe, specifically regarding characters neither of us were deeply familiar with. The first four episodes of Wandavision were a little weird, for a couple of old folks who haven't seen every single Marvel movie. It was entertaining enough for me to suggest backing up and going through the movie arcs we missed, like the Captain America set. There are at least enough we missed to take us through mid-month if we watch one every night (which is pretty ambitious). Maybe we will start tomorrow.

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